

French- Mardi Français 2

Status:Active, open to new members
Group email: French- Mardi Français 2 group
When: Fortnightly on Tuesday mornings
1st and 3rd Tuesday 10am
Venue: Members' Homes

Our four French Conversation groups have been renamed:

Lundi Français 1 - 1st Monday in the month at 2pm

Lundi Français 2 - 4th Monday in the month at 2pm

Mardi Français 1 - 1st and 3rd Tuesdays at 10am

Mardi Français 2 - 1st and 3rd Tuesdays at 10am

We meet twice a month to speak French and listen to each other. Meetings are held in members' homes and are supported and guided by Veronique, our French Group Leader.

Ever wondered what U3A French groups get up to? Well, recently we played ‘Qu’est-ce-que c’est dans le sac?’ whereby we were invited to bring an object in a bag and the rest of the group had to guess what it was, without squeezing or touching the bag. The owners could divulge as much information about them as they wished. Despite this, it was still very difficult to guess some of them, particularly Maggie’s sponge which contained soap inside it and also had an exfoliating surface, or Judy’s miniature Swiss army knife, or Jim’s nutcrackers purchased in the Perigord. Other objects included a ring made from the sale of a wedding dress, a bike lock, a book on ponycraft which had been given as a school prize for handwriting, and a roll of name tapes. There was much hilarity and Jim said the photo looked like the results of a Stop and Search!

If you feel you would like to join one of our four French groups, do get in touch with the French groups organiser Véronique . After all, how can you live without knowing the French for any of the above?!