

Casual Striders

Status:Active, not currently accepting new members
Group email: Casual Striders group
When: Weekly on Friday mornings

The Casual Striders walking group is suitable for people with a mobility and fitness level to regularly walk 4.5 – 6 miles with a distance of 5 miles being the average. We do not aspire to being a fell walking group, although some hill walking is clearly necessary, given our location in the South Lakeland area. We meet every Friday (weather permitting) and have a varied programme of walks, some local and some further afield (typically within a 30-mile radius of Ulverston with occasional longer trips). Car sharing arrangements are strongly encouraged for environmental reasons and because of limited parking at many of the walk locations. Arrangements are in place providing a safe and approved off-road location in Ulverston, for the purpose of leaving unused cars for the day. There is a nominal £1 charge for this, which allows us to make regular donations to the Croftlands Community Association for partial use of their car park.

Our group mantra may be summarised as: - Regular exercise, Social interaction, Enjoyment, Friendship and of course, in the spirit of U3A, much Fun with Learning and Laughter. Our membership contains an excellent mix of people, with knowledge and experience of various outdoor pursuits (e.g. Flora/fauna, map reading, expedition planning and social organisation).

The group is currently fully subscribed with a short waiting list, but we endeavour to never turn anyone away, particularly those new to U3A.

Contact or John Fursey for more information or Jack Ryan